Thursday, July 29, 2010

wax on, wax off

I did it. I got the sideburns waxed yesterday. I am submitting for your consideration the evidence of said sideburns -- those same that were denied by family and friends.

I want you to know that my reports are honest. I feel completely vindicated by the photo to the left. Also, by now it should be plain to all that I score fairly low on the vanity scale, and that I do not apply wax to body except in case of emergency. These were monster sideburns, and they weren't going to stop.

But they put up a fight, I'll give them that much. Yowza! That smarts.


  1. yeah, hey, Beautiful, those sideburns had to go.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Paula,
    Hair's a funny thing! It often grows back coarser, kinkier after chemo. I'm glad you're back in the position of being able to decide whether to keep it or not. That's a good thing!

  4. I want to go on record that I didn't deny the existence of those sideburns. They were developing into Civil War era chops!
