Thursday, November 11, 2010

We are very happy with Boone, but are having the dangedest time getting him to stay in the Snugli.


  1. HE IS BEAUTIFUL! Such amazing creatures. There is such a sense of their power and dignity. I bet those legs don't take easily to a Snugli...or want to stay in one.

  2. I think it's just a backdrop...when do we get to see a real picture?!

  3. Check earlier post. THAT is Boone. xo

  4. Boone is wonderful, all neck and legs, and what a great connection- emerging out of the path you have journeyed through this past year! I know so little about the life of a giraffe: eating from the tops of trees, the loping runway walk, and of course all new meaning for "necking".
    I recently worked with a student in the travel clinic in who is doing her dissertation in Tanzania where she will work on an amazing,amazing project...thought you may want to consider for future adoptions...
