Wednesday, July 18, 2012

my inner cutie

I write myself notes all the time in the bright light of an insight, a decision, a moment's clarity. I stick those notes some place clever: in the front of my calendar, under my ink blotter (whoa, I wonder if they've come up with a new name for that), between pages 135 and 136 of a book I may not finish, in the front pocket of the shorts I just washed. It's an imperfect system.

Today I came upon a piece of scrap paper with a wide range of notes to self. "Important," I wrote at some undetermined, unremembered point in the past. "Know that your internal experience is changeable." On the same scrap, near that great message - the essence of which I forget about a hundred times a day - is this: "When you have an unpleasant or fearful thought, think of a barking dog tied to a tree. Walk past it and say to the dog, 'thanks for sharing!'"

I have never once done this, but still think it's a great idea. I am going to begin by saying it to actual barking dogs, of which there are several along my daily walking loop.

The best thing about finding the scrap of paper, though, is this little scrawl, below. I imagine that when I wrote it, I meant to remind myself to "evaluate the value of my inner critic," meaning, I suppose, to question its assumed authority.

But today as I read my scrawl, I thought it said, "have you ever evaluated the value of your inner cutie?"

What? I thought. What does that mean?

Before I figured out what I really had written, I had time enough to think: why no! No, I haven't given enough time to evaluating the value of my inner cutie. But when I do, I can see that it's a much more useful part of me than my inner critic.

But hey, inner critic -- thanks for sharing!


  1. When's the first workshop? Waaaaay many of us could use it :-). Thanks for all the cuteness, p!

  2. Too funny. Now that you mention it, I'm gonna go evaluate my inner cutie, if I can find her. My inner critic bullies her ruthlessly.

  3. I write to myself, too, Paula. But not usually words of wisdom or exhortation. More like lists of chores to do, things to buy at the grocery store, captivating pieces of music I just heard on the radio and, even occasionally, fun places to go with packing lists. I scribble names and phone #'s on post-it notes or, if one's not available, on the back of an envelope with a bill inside.

    I have an ancient address book full of pages and scraps of paper with names and #'s of some people I can't even remember anymore or who have since passed away. One friend has moved so many times, she takes up 2 pages of penciled in change of addresses. When I write her a letter, I always have to ask myself, is that where she lives now or is that the last address? When my kids need an address and I direct them to the book, they groan and inevitably remind me that I need to digitalize all this detritus. "Who has time?", I always ask.

    Anyways...we're all works in progress. But,I think you're pretty cute on the inside and the outside.
