Friday, September 14, 2012

it's probably not about the cat

Laura has not been home for two weeks and yesterday I almost got a kitten. Coincidence? My beloved sister Ellen thinks not.

In order to get anything done in life, we've all learned to compartmentalize kittens. It's easy, in general. But if you see one, if it's looking right at you, you have to actively resist the impulse to take it home. Kittens hypnotize you -- you can see them trying. For the vulnerable human, it's like that resisting the impulse to scream thing I wrote about, but more intense.

So when I got an email from someone searching for a home for these abandoned kittens, an impulse began, like a little itchy rash. Which is actually one of the many symptoms I get when I am around cats. But that's beside the point.

The one I'm not going to get, not going to get, Not Going to Get is the one with the white forehead. Yani is thinking of the name Luna, for the moon on her forehead. We would call her Lulu.

Our current Zen Master cat, Juni, could train this new kitten, I'm thinking. Juni would be so happy to have a kitten to take care of! She would take Lulu around the yard, model caution around cars, show her that trees make so much better scratching posts than furniture. Lulu would nestle in the curl of Juni's warm body at night. She would only kill birds under extreme duress. She would be just like Juni, only 14 years younger.

These are the fantasies of the kitten trance I am was in. I did not at any moment in time think it was, in fact, a good idea to get a kitten. But I sent an email saying we were interested in the one that so obviously wants to be our cat. And Yani and I drove off in the general direction of New Britain, where the kitten Sirens were singing.

I said to Yani, "If I could figure out a way of getting the feeling I am looking for, I could resist this kitten impulse." She said, What about a bird? Well, the pet store is right next to the hardware store we were standing in. Let's go see if I have a feeling when I check out the birds. Maybe I am just looking for a feeling.

It was more of a gruesome fantasy than a feeling that came over me as I watched the birds flitter about in their cages: Juni may be a Zen Master, but she can't resist finch tartare. Plus the birds actually seemed to be saying, please don't take me home. Just get me outta here.

We looked at rats, hamsters, mice, gerbils: No way; what's with the tail; hi there, but no; and no thanks, respectively. Yani suggested I might like the hermit crab and tapped on the glass to get its "attention." Har har.

Laura gets home tonight and I'm hoping she can talk me off the Lulu ledge, though in truth talking people into things is more of Laura's thing. She is, after all, the one who followed the sign to "free kittens" and surprised the family with Juni so many years ago.

This morning the kittens' foster dad is down to one kitten: It's Lulu. Could I decide by the end of the day, he asks.

Getting a pet is never just about the pet. I know that. So I'm trying to figure out what it is about, right here, right now. By the end of the day.

Could someone please tie me to the mast?


  1. Oh wow. She's cute! I hope there's time for your sage followers to help you make the right decision. Have you thought about the I Ching?

  2. Yani and I did throw the I Ching. The key word was "Limitation," and the byline was "Voluntarily chosen limits empower your growth." That seemed to be a no. But it also mentioned as an aside that this is a good time to marry, which sounded a lot like a yes of some kind.
    Update, though: Lulu found another home. It's all good.

  3. Whew. That was a close one! Two weeks is two long :-). Hopefully Laura will never be gone three and have to come home to the pony. Happy new home, Lulu!

  4. That kitty sure is cute, Paula! While I was reading your post, I was looking at my big old loner cat, lying on the rug, and thinking, "Well, if Paula decides against her, maybe I'll get her!"

    Yeah, what IS that?

    Three weeks ago, a close friend (also a Paula) e-mailed from her Maine vacation rental and told me that the beautiful, old coastal inn down the street, the one with the wrap-around porch, the one my late husband and I honeymooned at 32 yrs. ago and returned to several times was on sale for a ridiculously low price. "It must need a lot of repairs", I thought. "Find out if they're selling it with all the furnishings", I said. "Can you come up this weekend and look at it?" she asked. "We could run it together", she suggested. We both quickly mentally scanned our respective family attributes- this one's a project manager, that one's a good cook, this one's good with people, that one has a green thumb...

    Within 24 hrs., in my mind, I had quit my job, sold my house and moved to Maine to start a new life! And then she e-mailed to say that somehow she had been way off and it was actually selling for a price 3 times higher, out of reach, and there was already a buyer. Poof!

    Alternate lives, we all live them, I suppose. One of mine has always been conducted on the coast of Maine.

    I hope you're feeling more settled now with Laura home. Sherry's comment above made me laugh out loud!
