Tuesday, May 8, 2012

15 minutes of fame, one click at a time

With the new-fangled upgrade of this blog platform, one can see how many people have been reading each post. Turns out that for taotechu you are generally around 45 people these days, give or take. Thanks for hanging in there with me. I'm not sure where we are going, but I'm glad to have your company.

There's one exception to the statistics showing the number of people who have viewed each entry. It's the Uncle Fester post from April 22, 2010.

3,249 people have found their way to that entry on taotechu since that day -- 13 of them just this week. Some of them are in Jordan, for God's sake.

"What the...?" I ask aloud as Laura and I work side by side in the kitchen on our respective computers. Then we google Uncle Fester. There are 16 long pages of images of Uncle Fester in various poses, and you can ask for more pages if that doesn't satisfy your appetite.

I appear on page 2. Page TWO. With Google, you have to earn your way to page 2.

Still, it feels a dubious honor.


  1. Wow! That's it :-). Just wow!

  2. movin' on up!!!! Now, let's see if we can get more readers in Jordan... :)

    1. Oh, Jackie! I forgot that YOU are reading in Jordan! Less of a mystery, then, and more of a happy thing.

  3. Paula, Of course I had to go back and re-read it, becoming (maybe) fan #3250. Just as it did back then, it made me LOL. The resemblance is truly uncanny!

    1. They count new hits only. What strikes me is that's got to be a very, very small fraction of people looking for images of Uncle Fester.
