Thursday, May 26, 2011

coming clean

Connecticut Combination license plate.jpgCombination1000·CA"Constitution State" legend; "COMB" embossed vertically at right.

Previously CA·1234, C·12345, 12345, 123·CAB, 1C·2345, 12C·345 on past bases remade on the current base; 12345·C, 1CA·234, and 12C·A34 on the current base.

Ting is right. 1CU. Gee whiz. Now I feel like the Universe is kind of clumsy with its messages of reassurance, and death is just not witty at all.

1 comment:

  1. Pesky Young'uns!

    For what it's worth, Paula, I saw and liked it the way you saw it, visually and metaphorically.

    The Universe IS clumsy so maybe you can still choose to see it your way.
