Wednesday, January 6, 2010

house of good spirits

Our house is old, and most of the window glass has been around long enough to be visibly dripping with time, distorting what you see as you look out -- an effect that is accentuated if you look out at an angle. Today from the office window I could see someone, unrecognizable through the wavy glass, standing in the driveway near a parked car. She was swooping her arms in large, healing gestures toward our house -- she waved her arms to the right, sweeping away bad energy and spirits, then waved them to the left, then all around in a big circle. She was really into it, blessing the house with all her might. Twice she twirled as she gestured. I thought this was so lovely -- that someone would come by the day before I start chemo and give our home this quiet blessing. Since she hadn't announced herself, and I had no idea who she was, I simply let her do what she came to do, and I basked in the warmth of that random act of kindness. I had a strong feeling of being held in good energy.

Two minutes later, my 3:00 client walked in. "Oh!" I laughed. "It was you! I thought you were blessing my house! What were you doing?" "Oh," she laughed, too. "I was giving directions to these people who dropped me off and needed to get back to Route 84."

Delivered by my imagination and a spirit of hope, this was the perfect blessing for me and for our home. I am ready for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. She may have thought she was giving directions to someone, but you were absolutely right. She was actually channeling the rest of out here sending you blessings.
